Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fired Up!

You have probably figured out by now, but I am a Bass Fishing addict. I started fishing competitively in 1993. With early success, I had visions of fishing professionally one day. But after getting to know a few pros, I reallized that is not the life I want. Months away from home and family would never work for me.
But, fishing on the club level and higher was something I was interested in pursuing. I have been in Birmingham Bass Club since 1993 and have fished several higher trails since that time. I have had plenty of success at the Club level but have been itching to "prove" myself with the bigger boys.
In 2000, I made the Alabama Bass Federation State Team and fished the Southern Regionals with limited success. But, that was and still is a big deal to me. That was the first time I was able to take my family with me to a big tournament, and I think they really enjoyed it. We spent a week in Santee, South Carolina. I fished during the day while they got to take tours of the local sites and enjoyed the wining and dining of BASS.
Since then, I have been close to making the "Team" several times, but have come up a few fish short every time.
Last year, I had a run at making "Angler of the Year" with the Federation, but fell short once again. I fished as a"Co-Angler" in the BASS Weekend Angler Series and made it to the Nationals, but faltered again.
This year, I dedicated myself to fishing at a higher level. I have not fished much at the club lever. Rather, focusing on the "higher" level trails. The Alabama BASS Federation Nation was my focus. I haven't blown away the competition by any means, but I have fished consistantly all year. There are 5 tournaments in this trail. Four qualifying events in the Spring months, and the State Championship in October. After the 2nd Qualifier, I was in second place for Angler of the Year (AOY). After the 3rd event, I managed to pull out a lead for AOY by 8 slim points.
Last weekend was the 4th Qualifier on my weakest lake int he state. I fished harder for this event than I have for any other, but still did not do terribly well. But, as providence would have it, I finished well enough to stretch out my lead by 38 points. AOY.
After a little math, I realized that if the 2nd place guy for AOY were to win the State Championship, I would only need to finish in the top 38 to win AOY. I am so excited! The state championship is on one of my favorite lakes, and one of my favorite times of the year to fish! I have to like my odds of winning the top honor and getting back on the State Team.
But, there's always a but, I ALWAYS blow up at the Championship. In the last 10 years I have either led the tournament or been in the top 10 after the first day 5 times. Each time, I threw it all away on the second day of competition.
This year is different. I have approached this season a little differently. I now know that God will only allow things to happen that I can handle, one way or the other. Somehow, He has given me a peace about His sovereignty that I have not known in the past. IF it happens, it happens, His will has been done! He has shown me over the years, that if it is not His plan for whatever goal I have, it will NOT happen. That has been a huge change for me. Melissa reminds me all the time, "it's not about you", and it's not. All those years I was so close, it was not His timing,
Saturday morning, I actually prayed that He would provide me what I needed to do well in that event. I know, you think it's silly to pray about catching fish, and it may be, but I believe God is in control of every aspect of my life, not just the "Big" items. I told God that I would trust in Him and whatever happened, I would have peace that it was His will. After the weigh in, I was frustrated that I had not done better. But, I prayed and thanked God for what He had provided and thanked Him for giving me peace...... Then I had to repent for lying about the "peace" part. You ever laugh with God? It's pretty cool, He knew I was lying!
The crux of the story is that God has truely changed my life in so many ways. I now know that it's not about me, it's about what He wants for me. Perhaps, those yeras I didn't make it, He knew my pride couldn't handle the success. Hopefully, I can, now. Either way, if it happens, it is because He has ordained it; if not, it was not His time.
Lord, help me to see your hand in all areas of my life; help me to strive for your "Way" as much as I do for earthly endevors.
Thank you for all you do!


Brandon E said...

As much as we give you grief for it, you are doing an amazing job this year.

Anonymous said...

don't forget to tithe on that angler of the year check. we are watching you. thanks for the call last week on lunch btw.

j_webb said...

Nice work!......can u call fishin' work?

I bet you can!!