Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Providence Defined
"The English term “providence” derives from the Latin providentia, which signifies “foresight.” Providence has to do with:
the Creator’s maintenance of the functional balance of the natural world;
the fulfillment of the divine purpose in the regulation of international affairs; and
God’s special operation in the lives of those who seek to do his will. "

I have pondered doing this blog for some time. It is a subject that has meant alot to me in the last several years, but it is hard to put into words, if you know me, you know that I am not eloquent by any means.

Through the years of struggling with my company's battles for money, fear of the future, uncertainty of direction, dissapointment in failure, I have come through it all because of one thing....Providence.

It has been along time coming and not an easy lesson, but it is so clear in hind-sight. I AM an Israelite. I ramble through the desert complaining about lack of food, and He gives me manna and quail. I complain about thirst and He gives me the dew of the morning or a spring out of a rock. Tomorrow I will complain about something else that I lack, because I forgot how He provided yesterday and the day before!

Not wanting to name names, but over the last few weeks, I have had two very close friends get to see God's hand in providing to their families in tough times, and they were so amazed. We should not be amazed, but rejoice and praise the one that provided it. Every part of our lives has been orchestrated since the beginning of time! Did you get that? All of it, not just the "really important stuff"! That means when you didn't get the car you were dying for, it was for a reason, God had another, more perfect plan for your life.

God has provided us all with so much. How often do we reflect on that and really thank Him for what we have? Now, reflect on what we give back to Him. Hmm, does it reflect our gratitude?

God has blessed me so much and I am very very gratefull. I have a great wife, son and family, a great church family, a good house, and strange boat, a company that HE alone has run for the last several years and has provided greatly for my family and the families of our employees. He has blessed me and He has made me to give to friends in need, and blessed me through that.

I have never been the compassionate type or even the type to be conisderate of others. It's just not in my make up, just ask my poor wife! God produces that in our lives and directs us to do things that are not of ourselves. Its not dew on the fleece, it's more like a thought you cannot forget, an urge you can't fight off, that's is how I believe God works in our lives.

I have learned so much about Stewardship the last few years in our church. How Godly men and women give graciously, and share so abundantly what God has given them. They do so discretely for one reason, it is not about them, it is about Him. I have also had the regretable posititon of seeing folks that never give, ever. To those I say, you forget God's promises, He will provide.

This is the whole reason I was reluctant to write this blog, I don't want to sound like a "name it, claim it" preacher, BUT, I challenge anyone reading this to start now, write your tithe check to your church (any church) for the full tithe before you write any other checks. Try this for a few months and tell me if God did not bless you and provide for your needs. I believe He will, and He does. If you are living beyond your means, that is a different story all together, I think Dave Ramsay suggests looking through your checkbook register to see where your heart is.

I dont know how I got from Providence to Stewardship, but they are truelly related. This blog is not intended to be for bragging or for condeming, just something that God has shown me over the years and I wish someone would have told me years ago. I hope it will help you as well.

Finally, there is nothing you have or do not have that God did not ordain or provide. Try to remember that the next time you don't get something you want, or something does not go your way. It's a hard thing, but when we start looking at life that way, I think we will have more peace during those times.

Preaching to myself,


Scott H said...

I hate long Blogs, too. Sorry

Brandon E said...

Forget Providence to Stewardship, how did you go from Jack Handy to this? You are a strange one...

You are dead on with this topic. Between you and Mo, I'm ready to tithe to every church and minister to a drug dealer.

Burt said...

if general assembly runs into the weekend, i may call and get you to preach this sunday

j_webb said...

Ha! Good one Burt!
Brother Holmes would throw down in the pulpit!
I feel like I owe "Back Tithes"
.....plus penalties and interest.