Monday, July 21, 2008

Beer Ministry

Yes, it has been a long running joke in churches, but it looks like it's happening here.
A few of us have gotten into the hobby of homebrewing. For folks that like to cook and like the taste of a handcrafted beer, it's a natural fit.
Evan, Brandon and I have been making home made beer for a month or so, now. We meet most every Tuesday night at my house and make the "wort".
The science of the process is fascinating to me and we have had a good time. We have completed a few batches and they have turned out very well.
It is a good time of fellowship with good friends and the conversation usually ends up on the gospel. We have had some "un-churched" friends over a time or two and I think we have made some progress.
Now we are talking about making this into a regular deal, inviting our churched and unchurched friends to fellowship and share the gospel.
So if you are not still tied to your Baptist up-bringing, come and join us for some "Froth and Fellowship ", "Beer and Brotherhood", "Suds and Sanctification", "Barley and Benevolence", "Grains and Grace", "Ale and Accountibility", I could go on!
PSA- This is NOT a Church sanctioned Ministry.