Monday, July 21, 2008

Beer Ministry

Yes, it has been a long running joke in churches, but it looks like it's happening here.
A few of us have gotten into the hobby of homebrewing. For folks that like to cook and like the taste of a handcrafted beer, it's a natural fit.
Evan, Brandon and I have been making home made beer for a month or so, now. We meet most every Tuesday night at my house and make the "wort".
The science of the process is fascinating to me and we have had a good time. We have completed a few batches and they have turned out very well.
It is a good time of fellowship with good friends and the conversation usually ends up on the gospel. We have had some "un-churched" friends over a time or two and I think we have made some progress.
Now we are talking about making this into a regular deal, inviting our churched and unchurched friends to fellowship and share the gospel.
So if you are not still tied to your Baptist up-bringing, come and join us for some "Froth and Fellowship ", "Beer and Brotherhood", "Suds and Sanctification", "Barley and Benevolence", "Grains and Grace", "Ale and Accountibility", I could go on!
PSA- This is NOT a Church sanctioned Ministry.


Kim said...

Booze and the Bible.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

CPC Brewers

j_webb said...

You have become an accomplished brew master grasshoppah!
With the wife near Alabrew and Dr. Floyd on board you may open a side business.
"T and E Brewery"..."Twin Lakes Ale"..... no no

"Holmes Brew"!

Anonymous said...

This has my husband's name all over it. I shall relay the message.

Crissy said...

I'm so deeply offended... beer smells gross.

Brandon E said...

Filtering and Floyd

Mrs Zebrajet said...

Just checking in.

MattD said...

Go ahead and make a few gallons and bring it this years Beer and Brat Swap! We may wind up having it earlier this year..>Stay Tuned

4theluv said...

Hmmmmm ... to paraphrase the great theologian George Jones, "Well in North Alabamy, way back in the hills
we had us some deacons and they had 'em a still... they brewed oat soda 'til the sun went down, Then they'd fill up a jug and they'd pass it around... Mighty, mighty pleasin, deacon's hop squeezin'... Whshhhoooh . . Presby Prepee.."

Something like that, anyway.