Thursday, March 13, 2008

That's what I am talking about!

Took my future former friend Quinn to our neighborhood lake today. Spent a couple of good hours of fellowship and harping on eachother. The fishing really kind of stank till we headed back to the ramp. Happened to knock a big-un in the head!

Good day either way. She weighed about 7 pounds and was stuffed with eggs.


MattD said...

Nice fish...not too bad for that lake at all..I think the biggest fish we caught there growing up was around 4-5 pounds.

Anonymous said...

have you ever heard of something called "defensive fishing" i hadn't until recently. i was fishing with a friend when all the sudden we were leaving a good hole. i had just had a decent strike and was about to cast again when woosh- we took off. time to go. there we were booking it across the lake toward the shore. suddenly the person in the front, who will remain nameless, struck. nice fish, i didn't have a prayer. so anyway, i'm learning. hmm. defensive fishing. i like it. will have to give it a try sometime.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That's the fattest gut I have seen in awhile! Oh, the fish ain't bad either!