Monday, March 17, 2008

NYC Day #3

Okay, 2 Sominex + Dawg tired+ A.C. = Good night’s sleep!
Up at 6:00 this morning and had a humongous breakfast! Apparently apple pie is okay for breakfast, here (I’m good with that). I tried a local favorite that I had heard about called “Scrapple”. Not the best thing I have ever eaten, I was told its pig parts left over after they have gotten all they wanted for hot dogs and Vienna sausage, then fry it in butter!
Rode an hour or so to Gettysburg. It was neat seeing the place that changed our nation. The tour was a little brief for me, but interesting.
Spent the afternoon driving around Lancaster County gawking at the Amish. There is an entire industry here taking yahoos like ourselves around taking pictures of and learning about how different the Amish are. Yes, they have different values than we do. Yes, they are very strict on themselves. But, we all have our quirks and oddities, and WE don’t have tour buses driving through our neighborhoods. I think their deal is they like living in the past and they take pride in their lack of taking pride! They value depriving themselves of most everything we consider our right.
We ate dinner at a place called “Good and Plenty”, nuff said. They serve you platters of good wholesome food and shovel it faster than you can eat. Tried another local favorite called “Shoe Fly Pie”. Also, not the best thing I have ever had. Yana described it as Pecan Pie without the pecans. I am not sure that quite does it, it’s a crust with maple syrup poured in and sugar and flour doused over the top. The homemade Ice Cream made up for the funky flavor.
Day 3 a success; good night’s sleep, no one died, tried some new food, saw interesting sites.
2 Sominex already in the system, A.C. running, wish me luck!


4theluv said...

St. Augustine said, "Patience is the companion of wisdom."

Of course, St. Augustine had the wisdom to never travel to New York City with a bunch of middle schoolers.

Anonymous said...

Ok, scrapple sounds like a man's meal. Should be called Deep fried cholesteral. Yum Yum. I'm always fascinated by the Amish and I don't quite know why. Did those two know you took their picture, I've heard they don't like their pictures being taken. I noticed it was from afar. Glad to hear everyone is having fun. Be safe!

Kim said...

My Dad is from Western Maryland and the food you described is what we would eat when we'd go to visit. Love Pecan Pie; not big on Shoe-Fly even though I have heard it described the way Yana did. There's just something different about it. Maybe it's the molasses.