Monday, March 17, 2008

NYC Day 2

News flash, Burt snores like a banshi! Got very little sleep last night. They claimed I snored also, but it’s hard to snore when you are not asleep. Note to self, 1 Sominex is not enough!
The hotel last night was nice enough, but they don’t believe in air conditioning. The room was 76 degrees when we got there, had to leave the window open all night and it was still warmish this AM.
Got to see Natural Bridge for the first time, it was dark last night. Quite the hike down the gorge to see it. Pretty cool stuff. The hike back up took a little longer than expected, we missed Burt’s Palm Sunday sermonette. Sorry.
The replacement for Bus #3 arrived as promised, so we had a comfortable ride to Monticello. Quag number 3. Allegedly everytime they made this trip before, it was no line, no waiting at the historic home. Not so today. We arrived around 10 AM and were supposed to leave at 12. We arrived on time, but the lot was full of buses. Our luck. They gave us our tickets, time to be guided…1:10! Did I mention it was 10 something? No restaurant there, just an overpriced gift shop. Tooled around for nearly 3 hours before our tour. I have to say, that was my favorite stop so far. The home of Thomas Jefferson. The man stayed busy for sure. Declaration of Independence, congress, governor, secretary of state, vice president, and president twice. He was a farmer and inventor, not to mention an architectural genius. Lots of very unique designs and inventions.
Left Monticello for Lancaster, PA. Another long leg of our journey. Burt and I watched his favorite stupid movie “Airplane”. Lots of one liners there, too; “Yes, and don’t call me Shirley”, “I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue”, Mrs. Cleaver saying “I speak jive”, and “It’s big and white, with a red stripe…kinda like a giant Tylenol”. If you haven’t seen it, you won’t get it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love Airplane! You can't go wrong with Lesley Nelson and Lloyd Bridges in the same movie. And Striker with his "Drinking Problem." Montecello sounds neat. I had to do a report on Montecello in my Art History class in college. Jefferson was a fasinating charactor.

"Timmy, have you ever been inside a Turkish prison?"