Wednesday, March 19, 2008

NYC Day #4

Day #4 we headed out of Lancaster. PA for Philadelphia. Not the cleanest city in the world. First stop was at the museum where “Rocky” ran the steps. So all 170 had to do it, chanting the “going strong now” chorus. I think it’s a law, I don’t know.
Got to tour the Independence Hall and learn some interesting facts about the constitution and the first Congress. Obama and Billary were in town yesterday, never saw them but Obama was a block away while we were there. BIG WHOOP!
Everyone was treated a Philly Cheese steak sandwich, also BIG WHOOP. It was in a food court of a mall, I guess that version of cheese steak would be similar to eating BBQ in Birmingham at Century Plaza, just not the REAL thing.
A short bus ride later, we were in the Big Apple. I wish I could have enjoyed the scenic skyline, but duty called. I had to send out 7 estimates and timesheets for the crew back home. Air card worked perfectly, pretty cool stuff. We had some free time to shop and tour China Town. Very crowded, very dirty. I am not much of a “haggler” so I didn’t score any great deals. BUT, I did find a hat that I have been wanting. It’s a Chris Sharp inspired Himalaya toboggan. It’s goofy but very warm and fits my “idiom”. Private joke!
Had dinner in a tiny Chinese Restaurant, which is a trick with 170 of us. Had to sit with a group of hens, won’t be doing that again. What a bunch of whiners, the food was bad, the service was bad, not enough food, what meat is this, etc.
Finished with dinner at 8 and got to wait for the bus on a busy East Broadway for 1 hour. The poor bus drivers have no where to park in NYC so they had to come a long way to get us. Much gnashing of teeth. A bunch of red neck teenagers blocking the sidewalk for a whole block is not something the locals appreciate. Did I mention Boo’s Grandma accosted a taxi driver that nearly hit one of our kids? Pretty funny, got to hear a classic Taxi driver bomb dropping tantrum.
God has definitely done a work in my life regarding patience. Somehow, the long waits, the loud kids, the lines at restaurants have not bothered me too much. 5 years ago, I would have had a stroke by now. Just going with the flow is not easy for me.
Back to the hotel by 10 for more work. Convinced Burt to take some Benadryl for his sinuses, did NOT help the snoring. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rainy cold day, fun!


Ginger said...

You could NEVER convince me to go ANYWHERE with a 170 teenagers, especially not there! I'm feeling much pity for you guys! I laughed out loud at the "rednecks teenagers", I can only imagine! We get to go to NYC for MTW training, and I'm looking forward to it. Much different circumstances! Hope you get some sleep, get Burt some Breathe Right strips!

Anonymous said...

You're living your dad's and mom's life now. It's another one of those "you'll understand one day" things. Glad you're able to enjoy the trip now! Hope the "hens" aren't reading your blog! :)
Also, glad the air card is doing its thing!

Anonymous said...

You can have all that, Scott! No thank you! After reading all of that I said a little prayer about thanking God for Alabama!

Would have loved to see the fight between Boo's grandma and the taxi driver!

Scott H said...

actually it's 90 kids 80 adults.
Melissa you will have your's next year! Enjoy DC!