Saturday, March 22, 2008

NYC Day #8

Day #8
I don’t know when I have been happier on this trip. It is 6:40 CDT and we are in good ole Bama.
Over the last day or so, I noticed the best seat in the bus was the back row that had 3 seats together (instead of 2). Boo and Justin have been occupying these seats the whole trip. Yesterday afternoon I started promising them I would remove them if I had to by midnight. At 10:45 we stopped at a rest area in Penn. And they got out for a break. This was my best chance! I slipped in unnoticed, and actually fell asleep before they got back. When they arrived, they whinned and cried, but a few well placed kicks on Boo and a body slam that put Justin on the floor made the point! I am a mean old man!
The Lunesta had already gone to work and I was out in a few minutes. I slept VERY well. Woke up to use the bathroom, and I felt sure it was 1:30 or 2:00 in the morning. One of the nearby kids was awake and I asked him what time it was, 5:50 he said! No way! Slept from 11:30 till 5:30, that is a victory! I hadn’t gotten that much sleep any night in the hotels. Tried to go back to sleep, but the bus started to slow to a stop, “what the heck”? Looked out the window and saw a state sign saying Alabama the beautiful!!!! WOW, we weren’t supposed to be home till Noon. We must have been busting a move last night. I am soooooo happy! I just can’t explain, I have dreaded last night’s leg of the journey the most.
Some random thoughts on this trip:
It is really good to be a man- average waiting line at bathrooms 3 minutes, for the girls it was 30 minutes
Sleep aids are good! No, great!
I hate waiting in lines!
I hate having a structured itinerary
Burt snores something awefull!
Most of these kids are really good kids
Bus drivers in NYC don’t make enough money
There is not enough money for me to live in NYC
Buses need power adapters for computers, WIFI would be a good idea.
Feeding BBQ to southerners in NYC on dress up night is not a good idea.
Digital cameras are too easy, we took over 500 pictures
MP3 players don’t get loud enough to drown out “Sweet Home Alabama” and “I’ve got friends in low places”.
Next time, claim the back seat from Day #1!
Or better, don't let there be a next time.....


Burt said...

my additional observation - Scott is personally responsible for the excessive methane in our atmosphere

Anonymous said...

Glad you are all back safely. Couple of years of therapy, and you will be good as new.

Donna Brumlow said...

I am glad that you are back safely. There are so many things in New York to see that are must-dos before we leave this mortal earth.

Scott H said...

Just to clear some confusion, the Boo I referred to was one of the boys, not the female member of our church! Dont want her hubby coming after me, he likes to throw kidney punches (so I hear)!
AND, the response to Melissa a few days ago was intended for my wifey, I didn't reallize it was Melissa M. My bad.
3 hour nap yesterday and a full night without Burt's log sawing and I feel like a new man!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering?? But it doesn't take much for me to be confused.

Wanted to tell you Scott on my way down to Dothan yesterday I saw a Zebra striped pick up truck. The entire truck had that paint job. I wish I had a camera. It was bizarre!

Scott H said...

Yeah, that's exactly what I need. Funny looks every day, not just weekends.
had a good one this weekend. Stopped in to gas up the boat, and some old guy said "Is that your leopard striped boat?".
No, I dont have a leopard striped boat.

Brandon E said...

Try having a bedlined explorer when towing a camo boat