Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Post

My first foray into Blogger-central. I am not nearly as imaginative and interesting as most of you, hence the name of the blog. But I do have random thoughts that require you to answer the question, is this guy crazy or genius? You alone can decide.
More to come as the waves of random thoughts arrive.


Burt said...

my vote = crazy

quinn said...

make that 2.
nice pics. i've not seen them side by side. scary.

Malinor said...

Can you blog from a crackberry?

Brandon E said...

proof that he really doesnt do anything all day.

Scott H said...

It's amazing what you can do when you're home with the flu. Start a Blog, import your address book, catch up on emails.

Malinor said...

your blog name is on par with my ebay user id.